Thinking of travelling with children? Go for it!
man carring carrying a little girl while travelling down a mountain

Travelling is fantastic! And with children? Absolutely!

If you’re considering travelling with children, there are a few things you should bear in mind before embarking on your adventure. Just like in daily life, there will be tantrums, you’ll have to expect the unexpected and you’ll rush around… Here are some tips to help you ensure very special, once-in-a-lifetime memories for you and your children!

Make them part of the plan

Whatever their age, it’s important for children to feel excited about a trip and involving them in the process is the best way to achieve this. Encourage your children to take part in planning your trip and suggest that they write down what they like best in a log book, with text, drawings and photos, or that they collect postcards from the places that you visit.

Set a budget and stick to it

Considering that you’ll spend more on a trip with your children than when travelling alone or in a couple, it’s important to set a budget, factoring in unexpected events. To save money, it’s best to camp or rent an apartment and cook for yourselves, instead of eating out.

Don’t take much luggage, just the essentials

Limit your luggage to just the essentials, the basics and comfort objects, like your child’s favourite toy or nap blanket. Don’t forget that getting from one place to another is the most awkward part, so choose practical toys that will entertain your children on any form of transport.

Pushchair or no pushchair?

Depending on children’s age, hauling a pushchair around on a trip could be awful for parents. That said, it might be worse not to take one and make children walk long distances or have to carry them. A good compromise is a light, easily-transportable pushchair which could be used as a makeshift bed for a nap and is suitable for almost all surfaces.

Nappies also count as luggage on a plane!

A bag of nappies also counts as hand luggage on planes! Check that you have everything you need, but don’t go overboard and take too much. Don’t forget to save space for baby wipes, replacement dummies, snacks and a change of clothing, along with entertainment, such as toys or a tablet.

Choose guided tours

The best way to avoid the stress that comes with travelling, and to relax whilst you make the most of spending time with your family, is to leave planning the trip, or part of it, to a professional. Hire a tour guide or take advantage of tuk-tuk tours and pre-defined routes to discover the city’s the main tourist sights.

Keep them in sight

Travelling with children involves a certain amount of worry that they’ll get lost. It’s always a good idea for parents to write their names and telephone numbers in a coat or rucksack, or even on their children’s arms, or to put a GPS monitoring device around children’s wrists and follow it on a smartphone app.

If you’re thinking of travelling and taking your children with you, go for it! Now is the time for new adventures with your family. We’re not being biased, but Portugal and Spain are two fantastic countries for visiting as a family. Click here to discover the tours available in the Iberian Peninsula. Come as a tourist and explore these countries like a local!